Peter Pan Fantasy mural

So what do you do when you have a client that wants a Mural with Peter Pan, unicorns, fairies, pirate ship, treasure chest, clouds, rainbow, mermaids, waterfalls, and an ocean? You paint it!!! This room all three of us painted (Angela, Amy and Eva) . We really enjoyed this room it is very magical! check out our photos! In the small entry room you walk in and Peter is ready to fly out the window with tinkerbelle above him, on the opposite wall Nana (the dog nurse maid) is in front of the bed watching Peter Pan and tink. On the other side of the window (when you go through) is a fantasy land like neverland. There is a pirate ship, mermaids, unicorn, water falls etc..

tags: Play area, kids room, muralist artist painter Utah Salt Lake city Play room